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The Value of The “In” Crowd

The Value of The “In” Crowd

What happens at these “in” crowd events? A ton of networking and bonding. Even if you don’t directly discuss your current promotion or a launch, you still connect with the people who you later do business with. A glass of wine sparks new introductions. A quiet conversation turns into a new partnership. In the long run, those simple moments and that extra partnership could be worth a fortune.

Crown Your Relationships With Meaning

Crown Your Relationships With Meaning

To attain any level of intimacy, we have to reveal ourselves, show our vulnerabilities, our fears, our weaknesses, and go through the painful process of bonding through overcoming adversities. This doesn’t only apply to life itself, but business as well. When someone shares a failure as well as their successes, it makes them more human. Read on to learn how these vulnerabilities build deeper business connections.

It’s All About Making People Feel Good!

It’s All About Making People Feel Good!

Have you ever been to a restaurant or nightclub and the bouncers made you feel unwelcomed? I’m sure you swore to yourself you would never give them your business again. Making people feel good is a crucial component in building a business and customer base. By acknowledging people and making them feel welcomed is how you build relationships that will lead to the success of your business!