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Why Doing What You Say You Will Do Is The Right Thing For Business

Why Doing What You Say You Will Do Is The Right Thing For Business

Imagine that you meet someone at an event. You establish a connection and determine that you might be able to support each other with your businesses.

After a drink or maybe a meal, you agree to connect following the event with the intention of organizing a cross-promotion beneficial to both parties.

Then what happens?

You go home. You get back to your office and into the daily routine. Without any malice or ill-will, you neglect to contact this new connection.

Time passes and eventually, the lead goes cold and the opportunity is lost.

How can this be good for business?

Are your daily tasks so overwhelming that you don't have time to reach back out? Maybe that should be examined.

Is there perhaps another underlying reason why you don't pick up the phone and make a call? What might it be?

These are really important questions to ask yourself because at the end of the day doing what you say you will do is the right thing for your business.

What do I mean? If you say you're going to reach back out and you don't, what will the other party conclude? That you’re very busy? That you forgot? That it wasn’t important enough?

No matter what they determine, it's never good for your business.

The immediate opportunity is lost but more importantly, the long-term ramifications are far more detrimental. That connection is not likely to do business with you in the future.

If the word gets out that you never follow up, others will also forgo opportunities to work with you.

Conversely, if you make it a habit to reach out right away you establish the opposite. People experience you as someone who is trustworthy and that they can rely on.

Other marketers will want to do business with you because of your work ethic and follow through. When you ask for referrals, people will recommend you to their trusted contacts because they have confidence that you will show up and honor your agreements.

What does this translate into?

More connections. More sales. More profits. All things good.

So take a moment to think about your approach to follow up. Are you following through on what you commit to?

I hope so because at the end of the day, doing what you say you're going to do is just good business.

Glen Ledwell, co-founder of JV Hacking, believes in finding a better way to do all things, including affiliate marketing. To learn more about JV Hacking, and get a free copy of the JV Hacking book, visit https://JVHacking.com.

Glen Ledwell is a serial entrepreneur with a diverse background of experience. Since 2007, Glen has been the co-founder & the CEO of Mind Movies, where he continues to be the driving force behind all the marketing strategies. In the first 3 years of being online, he took the company from $0 - $6 million SOLELY through Joint Ventures. To date, he has generated in excess of $50 million online, in which $25 million of that has been purely from Joint Ventures.

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